Windpark Derde Dijk

ActivaklassenPrivate schuld
ImpactstrategieEnergie en klimaat
SectorDuurzame energie
CO₂-uitstoot vermeden (in ton)2,296
Capaciteit in MW2.3
Aantal huishoudens voorzien van groene stroom2,390
Geproduceerde hernieuwbare energie (in MWh)7,292
In lijn met Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG's)

Beschrijving alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

Windpark Derde Dijk is an extension of Windpark Noordpolder in the Netherlands and was developed by Zeeuwind, on behalf of Windpark Derde Dijk. Zeeuwind is 90% shareholder of this company. The turbine is located on the property of farmer C. Groenewege, who is also a shareholder. The park consists of 1 Enercon E-82 turbine of the so-called direct drive type. The rotor diameter of this turbine is 82 meters, the shaft height 78 meters and the connected capacity is 2 MW.