Wind park Roompotsluis

ActivaklassenPrivaat vermogen
ImpactstrategieEnergie en klimaat
SectorDuurzame energie
CO₂-uitstoot vermeden (in ton)11,995
Capaciteit in MW12
Aantal huishoudens voorzien van groene stroom12,488
Geproduceerde hernieuwbare energie (in MWh)38,101
In lijn met Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG's)

Beschrijving alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

In 2006, Triodos Energy Transition Europe Fund acquired wind farm Roompotsluis in a joint venture with developer E.Connection. The wind farm operates four Vestas wind turbines and is located on the Oosterscheldekering, an area in the province of Zeeland known for its high wind speeds. The assets were among the fund’s first investments in wind generation. Situated along the dikes protecting the southern region of the Netherlands from the sea, the wind turbines benefit from the higher wind speed due to their proximity to the sea. At the same time, they have a solid foundation in the strip of artificial land constructed around the dike, and are more easily accessible than offshore wind farms, making it cheaper to run them.

Being close to the end of their lifetime, the old turbines will be replaced with new ones. This is part of a repowering plan in which existing wind turbines will be replaced with higher turbines that are able to double the electricity output. Most of the turbines will be replaced in 2021 and 2022.